PANDA Kendall!!!

PANDA Kendall!!!
Hehe! It's a Santa Guiniea Pig!!!!!

Saturday, May 14, 2011


I haven't posted for forever. Ouch. Hopefully I post more.
Fly on,

Thursday, March 17, 2011


Hey, people!!! Here's a forward I got. I'm guessing you heard about what happened on Japan. Pretty scary, right? If you don't care about the tsunami, if you don't really understand, and if you don't really want to help, read on! If you care and understand and want to help, read it, too. Japan needs as much help as possible!

Picture this:

You're sitting down in class. Math class. It's really boring. You're teacher's droning on and on about the class misbehaving. Her words aren't even heard anymore. You stare at the clock and groan. Math class had barely even started. It was going to be a looong day.

Suddenly you hear a sound. A low rumble. And then your body jerks as you stumble a bit. What was happening? you think. The desk, the floor, the whole building seemed to be shaking. Suddenly you know.

It was an earthquake.

You grab your desk trying to keep balance. Your whole class is screaming like idiots. Then the ceiling - the plaster ceiling - falls down. Students doge just in time.

"Calm down!" your teacher snaps. "Relax!"

Because it's real easy to relax when the school's about to collapse, you think.

Finally, when the quake ended, your teacher resumes her boring speech - this time adding some boring earthquake procedures to it. Ugh!

You gaze outside the building through the window. A wave is building up. A huge wave. You see it wash over buildings and wipe out cars. It was getting bigger and bigger...And closer and closer...

And then it hits.

"Run!" everybody screams as the building comes apart, starting with the roof.

Your feet pound the floor as you hear screams behind you. Screams of pain, screams of fear, screams of murder. You move faster and faster. The tsunami wave is gaining on you. About to kill...

You hear somebody scream your name. "Help me! Help!" your best friend shrieks. You hate to just watch as her body goes into the wave. Going, going, gone. You'll never see her again. Never.

You run up to safety, which is some mountain.

"Hello," you pant, breathlessly. The other survivors give you a sad nod. You turn around and watch the horrible scenes. A car swirls into the wave. A building gets torn down. More screams of agony.

The next day, you gather up in a shelter. You receive news that your house is gone, you video games are gone, your friends are gone, your family is gone.

You deny, you scream, you shout. It can't be true...It can't...But it is. You cry. Tears streak down your face, wetting it. Your world was just split in two. And yesterday - you swallow - you had a fight with your mom. You didn't say sorry.

Then you think of your best friend - the one you couldn't save. The one who died right in front of your eyes.

You think about your future. The old one. The one that seemed so easy. That dream job of yours. It exists no longer. Your dreams, you goals, your life means nothing now. Nothing can help. Nothing.

You are about to cry again. You are about to cry tears that everybody else was crying. But you don't. Because you know that all the tears in the world could help. Nothing can help.

Or can it? That story could just possibly be somebody in Japan's life after the devastating tsunami and earthquake hit. And you can help. Donate money towards Japan to help its economy grow. Help people like this gain their families back. Help people like this realize that there is hope. Give people like this a reason to live. It can be done. Who are you? Are you the one who will help? Or the one who will just watch? Choose now. Your decision can change a life.

You can't resist it. You begin to cry those silly tears. Your future is almost gone. Almost. It would be gone if a nearby nuclear plant explodes and leaks radiation. You swallow. You don't want to die. You want to get into as much pain as possible. But you don't want to die. Your life, your future, your family...It had all changed in just one day.

And you can fix it. Radiation. It's deadly, it's scary, and it can cause mutations. Don't think that the radiation won't affect you. Don't kid yourself. The air can carry it to wherever you are. Pray for the people in Japan. Pray that the situation will get better. Pray that they will survive. Not just physically survive - mentally, too. Hope that their lives will get better. We can help! We can make a difference! Post this on your blog/page/whatever if you want to help! Don't just read. DO JAPAN A FAVOR! DO YOURSELF A FAVOR! Thanks.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Yellow Card

So, at my skl, we have these things called yellow cards, they're behavior reflects. 3 and u get community service.
I got a yellow card-my first-for no frickin reason. I didn't even get a warning, like ur supposed too. I hate my Social Studies teacher now. Email her ur complaints. Her email is

Fly on,

Links for homework

So, I have this HUGE ancient mesopotamia project and I need a couple of internet sources. So, If u have any links, plz comment them. I need help.

Fly on,

Friday, March 4, 2011

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Girl Scouts

Well, I'm selling GS cookies at 2-4!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's cold outside though...

So, Fly on,

New Background

My background looks like rain!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Fly on,

Max Ride Stories

Ok, so. The blog posting thing won't let me paste my stories so under comments put ur email and i'll email them to ya.

Fly on,


Ok so. I fasted for 24hrs. meaning i didn't eat for 24hrs. so i pretty much rock.

Fly on,

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Max Ride Stories

Assuming that u've read Maximum Ride, u'll enjoy these stories. They're short but whatev right. If u haven't I hope u'll catch on soon enough

Fly on,

Friday, February 11, 2011


I got a pet remembrance journal from the vet when Hammy died. *sniffles* So, I'm filling it out. It's really cute! For one thing it says: what u thought of the vet. Like what Hammy thought. I'm going to say: She thought 'what the heck is going on!!!!!!!! I was just sleeping, like, 30 mins ago, y can't I now??!!'

So yep, here's the pic:

Monday, February 7, 2011

Yet ANOTHER blog!

So, OK. I've decided to make yet ANOTHER blog to share about random events, stuff, blah, blah, blah. The URL is and is HIGHLY random! I got the idea from my friend, Justine. She is SUPER random and AWESOME. Your welcome Justine. Her blog URL is SO GO TO IT! DON'T FORGET MINE EITHER!!! OMG!

Fly On,

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


If you haven't noticed in the last post. Hammy was put to sleep because of a heart murmur which made her not be able to breathe well and other problems. The only options was to put her to sleep or give her some medicine that would make her dehydrated and only help for a week or so. *CRY* I MISS YOU MORE THAN YOU WOULD EVER KNOW!


Rest In Peace, Hammy

Dear Hammy,
If you ever see this, which you probably won't but in any case, I love you and miss you sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much! I cried and cried AND CRIED when I knew I had to let you go. Great, I'm crying now. AIDAN even cried, a little. I llllllllllooooooooooooovvvvvvvvvvvvveeeeeeeeeeee you so much and I want to see you again! I have the same pink cross that's tied upon your neck and I love to wear it! Please live happily ever in Hamster Heaven.

Love from your friend, mom, and sister all in one,
Kendall <3 u! =`(

Monday, January 31, 2011


I'm obviously keeping this blog, but I HAVE made a new one to share awesome adventures about being a birdkid! The URL is

Fly on,


Friday, January 21, 2011

11 million questionathon

For any of you peoples interested, go to to do the 11 million questionathon. Grand prize winner wins $500.00 to Amazon. Goal: answer the most questions. Pretty easy right? WRONG! Some people will get up midnight tonight and stay on the computer for litteraly 24 hours! LIKE ME! (I hope.) It starts 12:00am Jan. 22 - 11:59pm.

Fly on,

P.S. On the questionathon every sentence needs to have 3 or more words and 3 or more sentences. Sign up to read the offical rules. (There are more).

Thursday, January 20, 2011

My friend: Lindsay

Sadly my friend from 1st grade has moved to Astoria, OR. Yes sure she's still in Oregon, but it's a 3 HOUR trip, geez! Yeah I know, email, call, text, video chat... blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Plus, Lindsay doesn't have a cell phone (no texting, but I can always call their home phone) and no video camera on their computer, so yep, pretty much. She moved about 2 weeks ago and I haven't seen her since summer! Geezum! Sure, we've emailed and talked over phone, but it's just not the same...

Fly on,

Sunday, January 16, 2011

RE: Hamsters

OK. The URL ain't workin' properly so I'll improvise.
Go to and go to habitats and cages under small pet (don't click but move the mouse over Small Pet and go down to habitats and cages (then click)). The one I have is Super Pet CritterTrail X Hamster Home (The 3rd one down on the very left side). It has a green wheel on top, just to help. It's also very colorful!
Hope you like!

Fly on,


I just bought an awesome new cage for my hamster, Hammy! I THINK she loves it but I'm not a hamster whisperer! She's going crazy right now (all hamsters do) with her new cage. I hooked it up with another cage and it's tight! I'll post a pic some time later.

Fly on,

This is the cage I bought:

Friday, January 14, 2011

Maximum Ride

Read the Maximum Ride series if u want adventure, suspense and action!!!! In Max Ride there are 6 kids that are 98% human 2% bird, so they have wings and can fly. That might seem all cool and stuff but there are Erasers too. Erasers are 1/2 man 1/2 wolf and hunt the flock (the bird kids) night and day to bring them back to the School. The School is a place where evil scientists; whitecoats; experimented on the flock to make them what they r now! Read Max Ride in order!!!!!!
These are the books in order:
1. The Angel Experiment
2. School's out - forever
3. Saving the world and other extreme sports
4. The final warning
5. Max
6. Fang
7. Angel (comes out valentine's day this year!!!! Can't wait!!!)

Fly on,

P.S. I'm going to say fly on at the end of every post now bcuz on Fang's blog (one of the flock members) that's what he does.