PANDA Kendall!!!

PANDA Kendall!!!
Hehe! It's a Santa Guiniea Pig!!!!!

Monday, January 31, 2011


I'm obviously keeping this blog, but I HAVE made a new one to share awesome adventures about being a birdkid! The URL is

Fly on,


Friday, January 21, 2011

11 million questionathon

For any of you peoples interested, go to to do the 11 million questionathon. Grand prize winner wins $500.00 to Amazon. Goal: answer the most questions. Pretty easy right? WRONG! Some people will get up midnight tonight and stay on the computer for litteraly 24 hours! LIKE ME! (I hope.) It starts 12:00am Jan. 22 - 11:59pm.

Fly on,

P.S. On the questionathon every sentence needs to have 3 or more words and 3 or more sentences. Sign up to read the offical rules. (There are more).

Thursday, January 20, 2011

My friend: Lindsay

Sadly my friend from 1st grade has moved to Astoria, OR. Yes sure she's still in Oregon, but it's a 3 HOUR trip, geez! Yeah I know, email, call, text, video chat... blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Plus, Lindsay doesn't have a cell phone (no texting, but I can always call their home phone) and no video camera on their computer, so yep, pretty much. She moved about 2 weeks ago and I haven't seen her since summer! Geezum! Sure, we've emailed and talked over phone, but it's just not the same...

Fly on,

Sunday, January 16, 2011

RE: Hamsters

OK. The URL ain't workin' properly so I'll improvise.
Go to and go to habitats and cages under small pet (don't click but move the mouse over Small Pet and go down to habitats and cages (then click)). The one I have is Super Pet CritterTrail X Hamster Home (The 3rd one down on the very left side). It has a green wheel on top, just to help. It's also very colorful!
Hope you like!

Fly on,


I just bought an awesome new cage for my hamster, Hammy! I THINK she loves it but I'm not a hamster whisperer! She's going crazy right now (all hamsters do) with her new cage. I hooked it up with another cage and it's tight! I'll post a pic some time later.

Fly on,

This is the cage I bought:

Friday, January 14, 2011

Maximum Ride

Read the Maximum Ride series if u want adventure, suspense and action!!!! In Max Ride there are 6 kids that are 98% human 2% bird, so they have wings and can fly. That might seem all cool and stuff but there are Erasers too. Erasers are 1/2 man 1/2 wolf and hunt the flock (the bird kids) night and day to bring them back to the School. The School is a place where evil scientists; whitecoats; experimented on the flock to make them what they r now! Read Max Ride in order!!!!!!
These are the books in order:
1. The Angel Experiment
2. School's out - forever
3. Saving the world and other extreme sports
4. The final warning
5. Max
6. Fang
7. Angel (comes out valentine's day this year!!!! Can't wait!!!)

Fly on,

P.S. I'm going to say fly on at the end of every post now bcuz on Fang's blog (one of the flock members) that's what he does.