PANDA Kendall!!!

PANDA Kendall!!!
Hehe! It's a Santa Guiniea Pig!!!!!

Thursday, March 17, 2011


Hey, people!!! Here's a forward I got. I'm guessing you heard about what happened on Japan. Pretty scary, right? If you don't care about the tsunami, if you don't really understand, and if you don't really want to help, read on! If you care and understand and want to help, read it, too. Japan needs as much help as possible!

Picture this:

You're sitting down in class. Math class. It's really boring. You're teacher's droning on and on about the class misbehaving. Her words aren't even heard anymore. You stare at the clock and groan. Math class had barely even started. It was going to be a looong day.

Suddenly you hear a sound. A low rumble. And then your body jerks as you stumble a bit. What was happening? you think. The desk, the floor, the whole building seemed to be shaking. Suddenly you know.

It was an earthquake.

You grab your desk trying to keep balance. Your whole class is screaming like idiots. Then the ceiling - the plaster ceiling - falls down. Students doge just in time.

"Calm down!" your teacher snaps. "Relax!"

Because it's real easy to relax when the school's about to collapse, you think.

Finally, when the quake ended, your teacher resumes her boring speech - this time adding some boring earthquake procedures to it. Ugh!

You gaze outside the building through the window. A wave is building up. A huge wave. You see it wash over buildings and wipe out cars. It was getting bigger and bigger...And closer and closer...

And then it hits.

"Run!" everybody screams as the building comes apart, starting with the roof.

Your feet pound the floor as you hear screams behind you. Screams of pain, screams of fear, screams of murder. You move faster and faster. The tsunami wave is gaining on you. About to kill...

You hear somebody scream your name. "Help me! Help!" your best friend shrieks. You hate to just watch as her body goes into the wave. Going, going, gone. You'll never see her again. Never.

You run up to safety, which is some mountain.

"Hello," you pant, breathlessly. The other survivors give you a sad nod. You turn around and watch the horrible scenes. A car swirls into the wave. A building gets torn down. More screams of agony.

The next day, you gather up in a shelter. You receive news that your house is gone, you video games are gone, your friends are gone, your family is gone.

You deny, you scream, you shout. It can't be true...It can't...But it is. You cry. Tears streak down your face, wetting it. Your world was just split in two. And yesterday - you swallow - you had a fight with your mom. You didn't say sorry.

Then you think of your best friend - the one you couldn't save. The one who died right in front of your eyes.

You think about your future. The old one. The one that seemed so easy. That dream job of yours. It exists no longer. Your dreams, you goals, your life means nothing now. Nothing can help. Nothing.

You are about to cry again. You are about to cry tears that everybody else was crying. But you don't. Because you know that all the tears in the world could help. Nothing can help.

Or can it? That story could just possibly be somebody in Japan's life after the devastating tsunami and earthquake hit. And you can help. Donate money towards Japan to help its economy grow. Help people like this gain their families back. Help people like this realize that there is hope. Give people like this a reason to live. It can be done. Who are you? Are you the one who will help? Or the one who will just watch? Choose now. Your decision can change a life.

You can't resist it. You begin to cry those silly tears. Your future is almost gone. Almost. It would be gone if a nearby nuclear plant explodes and leaks radiation. You swallow. You don't want to die. You want to get into as much pain as possible. But you don't want to die. Your life, your future, your family...It had all changed in just one day.

And you can fix it. Radiation. It's deadly, it's scary, and it can cause mutations. Don't think that the radiation won't affect you. Don't kid yourself. The air can carry it to wherever you are. Pray for the people in Japan. Pray that the situation will get better. Pray that they will survive. Not just physically survive - mentally, too. Hope that their lives will get better. We can help! We can make a difference! Post this on your blog/page/whatever if you want to help! Don't just read. DO JAPAN A FAVOR! DO YOURSELF A FAVOR! Thanks.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Yellow Card

So, at my skl, we have these things called yellow cards, they're behavior reflects. 3 and u get community service.
I got a yellow card-my first-for no frickin reason. I didn't even get a warning, like ur supposed too. I hate my Social Studies teacher now. Email her ur complaints. Her email is

Fly on,

Links for homework

So, I have this HUGE ancient mesopotamia project and I need a couple of internet sources. So, If u have any links, plz comment them. I need help.

Fly on,

Friday, March 4, 2011